Personal training should be taken seriously so you can get the maximum amount of benefit out of the time you put in. If you're new to training or exercise, a personal trainer is the best place for you to start.
You'll get expert guidance for your training schedule, which ensure you're getting the best results without injuring yourself. A personal trainer can teach you the proper form and breathing techniques so that you have a clear idea of what to do and what not to do.
Contact IronHouse IronFit Marinette
and schedule a FREE training evaluation. We're dedicated to your success and are excited for the opportunity to help you achieve your personal fitness goals.
Call IronHouse IronFit Marinette at 906-424-0953
Discounts Are Available for Police, Firefighters, Military Personnel, and Local Factory Employees!
ISSA Certified
"I managed a gym for several years before going into clinical holistic medicine. I've been around a whole bunch of exercise and diet people for decades. I've got to say, Jason Holt REALLY KNOWS HIS STUFF.
Trust what he says. Use it. You'll be pleased you did."